Java SE runtime environment v8.0 update 77
التحديث الجديد لتطبيق الجافا الشهير
Java SE runtime environment
و الذى لا غنى عنه لأى جهاز
هذا التطبيق الغنى عن التعريف من الأدوات الأساسية لكل مستخدم شأنه فى ذلك
شأن مشغل الفلاش بلاير الشهير من أدوبى و غيرها من الأدوات ...
إذا كنت من متصفحى الإنترنت و محبى الدردشة و الألعاب الأونلاين
فهذا التطبيق بالغ الأهمية بالنسبة لك و لا بد من تصيبه و تحديثه بصفة دورية
التطبيق باختصار هام لكل المستخدمين خاصة هؤلاء
المهتمين بتصفح الأنترنت .... ينصح به دائما
Java runtime environment (JRE) - runtime environment created by Sun Microsystems that allows to run and use applications written in the programming language Java. It consists of a virtual machine - java Virtual Machine and Java-library classes. Written in the java language a lot of programs and games, especially those for whom mobility is important. Some Web pages are also using Java. One of the advantages of java is its cross-platform, that is, applications written in this language can be used on different operating systems where you installed java runtime environment (JRE).
Java Development Kit (JDK) - freeware Oracle Corporation Developer Kit applications written in Java, including a compiler java (javac), the standard class library Java, examples, ********ation, various utilities and executive system java (JRE). In the JDK does not include an integrated development environmentfor java (IDE), so the developer using only JDK, is forced to use an external text editor and compile their programs using the command line utility.
Key features
automatic memory management;
advanced exception handling;
rich set of filtering I / O;
a set of standard collections such as array, list, stack, and so on;
availability of simple tools for building network applications (including the protocol RMI);
existence of classes that perform HTTP-requests and process responses;
built into the language tools for creating multi-threaded applications;
unified access to databases:
at the level of SQL-queries - based on JDBC, SQLJ;
at the concept of objects that are able to store in a database - based on java Data Objects (English) and the java Persistence API (English);
template support (version 1.5);
parallel execution of programs.
Java Development Kit (JDK) - freeware Oracle Corporation Developer Kit applications written in Java, including a compiler java (javac), the standard class library Java, examples, ********ation, various utilities and executive system java (JRE). In the JDK does not include an integrated development environmentfor java (IDE), so the developer using only JDK, is forced to use an external text editor and compile their programs using the command line utility.
Key features
automatic memory management;
advanced exception handling;
rich set of filtering I / O;
a set of standard collections such as array, list, stack, and so on;
availability of simple tools for building network applications (including the protocol RMI);
existence of classes that perform HTTP-requests and process responses;
built into the language tools for creating multi-threaded applications;
unified access to databases:
at the level of SQL-queries - based on JDBC, SQLJ;
at the concept of objects that are able to store in a database - based on java Data Objects (English) and the java Persistence API (English);
template support (version 1.5);
parallel execution of programs.